Double rainbows, smi-circled rainbows, and Cricle rainbows

Circled rainbow can mostly only be seen  by aircrafts
  A double rainbow forms if sunlight is passing through a thin stratum of clouds and a stratum of rains simultaneously then you can get two rainbows at a time. Some rainbows form as an arc or a semi circle and that is because rainbows are only partial part of a circle around the shadow of your head on which rainbows are seen. You can mostly only see circled rainbow from above like in an aircraft. When the water drops get very small the wave like nature of light starts to dominate which will wash out the colors in a rainbow until the drops are too small and a rainbow will not been seen at all. So a complete circular rainbow seen from an aircraft is going to look whiter than colored, with the shadow of the aircraft seen in the center.

Double rainbow formed by the reflection of the other.